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            There are several qualities that I want in a person to entrust the direction of my company. However, I see two very clear starting points that this person must have in order to be the CEO of my company. The first, with respect to the objectives of the company, and the second, with respect to the direction of the personnel working for the company. If these two conditions can be mixed in one person, I think the rest is easier to achieve. From there, many important qualities are generated in a leader. However, I am going to refer to only three of them that I think are the most important.


1.-Strategic capacity:


Strategic capacity requires the involvement of others, and then look for a future in evolution and evaluate what this future means for the company. Great strategists invite dialogue, challenge assumptions and create an environment to explore future opportunities. They are experts in developing and communicating strategic issues and implications. This is an important quality in a leader. Leaders paint a picture of what they see as possible and inspire and involve their people to make that vision a reality. They activate people to be part of something bigger. They know that high-performance teams can achieve much more by working together than people who work autonomously.


2. Leaders are change agents:


            Leaders are proud disruptors. Innovation is your mantra. They are active. They support the change and if things work, they will explore a better way forward. And they understand and accept the fact that changes in the system often create concerns. Leaders are not afraid to try new things, even knowing that the possibility of failure may be present. They know that failure is often a step on the road to success. Faults are always an option. Faults are part of the innovation.


3. Build Followership?


            The candidate for CEO must know how to combine with the values and ways of working for the company. It must show the values of someone who wants to represent the company. And from there, the CEO has to inspire and motivate people within the company, often from a distance. That means communicating clearly; establishing a clear vision; giving people a sense of purpose, why they want to come to work and carry out a mission. Great leaders also use symbolic moments to make those ideas come alive. Motivational ability is usually a complement to connect with people individually. The CEOs must do it quickly; You may only have a few minutes with the followers you know. In general, big CEOs show concern for others, have good judgment and can trust them. People follow them because they consider them leaders. And people "follow" the leaders they believe in. This is where the term "authenticity" fits.







                   Arruda, W. (2016, November 15). 9 Differences Between Being A Leader And A Manager. In Forbes.                                        Retrieved August 5, 2018, from                                          differences-between-being-a-leader-and-a-manager/#b37234046096


                   Deeb, G. (2014, February 12). The 6 Must-Have Skills For A Startup CEO. In Forbes. Retrieved August                                    5, 2018, from                                  startup-ceo/#58d430771043


                    Manville, B. (2016, April 10). Want To Be A CEO? Five Essential Qualities Boards Look For. In Forbes.                                     Retrieved  August 5, 2018, from                                                                                                                                                                                                      five-essential-qualities-boards-look-for/#18b24b5c2649

By Eduardo Stambury

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